Cement, Tail of a Gecko
Temple Gallery & Tutu Gallery
New York July 19 - 23, 2023
New York
Temple Gallery & Tutu Gallery
New York July 19 - 23, 2023
New York

Transcending the Ideal
Pfizer Building
Curated by Virginia Ingram, New York April 13 – 27, 2023
New York
Pfizer Building
Curated by Virginia Ingram, New York April 13 – 27, 2023
New York
Very Naughty Super Trashy
Tutu Gallery
Dec 23, 2022 - Jan 6, 2023
New York
Tutu Gallery
Dec 23, 2022 - Jan 6, 2023
New York
Untitled Art Fair
with Lonely ROCKS
December 2022
Miami, FL

Asian Creative Foundation
Partnership with
LATITUDE Gallery New York
MAY 13 - JUNE 15
New York, NY

Ejecta ProjectApril 2 – May 21, 2022 Carlisle, PA
ULAY FoundationLjubljana (Slovenia) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Field Projects New York
Tripvill International Film Festival
Jan 29th, 2022
New York
Women's Work
Group Show
June 18, 2021–August 10, 2021
Indianapolis Art Center
Marilyn K. Glick School of Art
820 East 67th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

Women’s Work is a juried exhibition centered on gender and feminist politics. Historically, women have been excluded from the art world, from being kept out of academies and apprenticeships to being woefully underrepresented in galleries and museums today. Along with this, the art skills that were deemed feminine or appropriate for women, such as sewing, embroidery, or weaving, are dismissed as “just” crafts and hobbies. This exhibition, open to women-identified and non-binary artists from the local and national community, seeks to highlight female artists and intersectionality in femininity.
Virtual tour > https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=gohq2nV5vxv
to buy works > https://artcentermarket.com/product-category
The 2021 School of Visual Arts Alumni Film & Animation Festival
SVA Premieres: Best of 2020 & 2021 Screening
Friday, September 24, 2021 8:00 pm
SVA Theatre, New York.
As the Friday night screening of After School Special: The 2021 School of Visual Arts Alumni Film & Animation Festival, we are pleased to present SVA Premieres: Best of 2020 & 2021 — an evening of exceptional live action, documentary, and animated shorts by School of Visual Arts‘ most recent graduates from nine different academic departments, including films nominated for Student Academy Awards.
The SVA Premieres: Best of 2021 films include:
“Be Safe”, So Youn Chun
“Blip”, Hannah Sun
“חסרת ישועה”, Ori Highbloom
“Ms. Meta Meta, Episode 1”, Annie Chen Ziyao
“Overseas” (excerpt), Yijia Zeng
“Pawn”, Zishu Xiang
“Slam Poet”, Ella Cesari
“The Tempest”, Julie Jungyoon Jang
“The Unconscious and the Reflective Nemesis”, Adrian Stanley Thomas
click to check out official website > The 2021 School of Visual Arts Alumni Film & Animation Festival
Photoville Festival
Sept. 18th to Dec. 1st, 2021
Brooklyn Bridge Park - Pier 3

"These Years" by School of Visual Arts Continuing Education transcultural and transgenerational community addresses global events in the last five years, celebrating its Arts & Activism event series' fifth anniversary.
Featured Artists: Martin Abrahams | Andrew Ackerman | Catalina Aranguren | Shweta Bist (@shweta.photo) | Katie Cercone (@0r__nah_spiriturlgangsta) | Annie Chen Ziyao (@anniechanzy) | Wrolf Courtney | Lisa di Donato | Bianca Dunn | Robert Helman | Claudia Hernandez | Nels Highberg | Steve Hoffman | Saneun Hwang (@thisissaneun) | Eniko Imre | Erika Kapin (@enikoimre5) | Andrea Klausner (@andrea.klausner) | Julia Knoll | Esteban Kuriel (@estebankuriel) | Georgia Lale (@georgia_lale_studio) | Pierre-Yves Linot (@pierreyveslinot) | Maria Louceiro | Stacy Mehrfar (@stacymehrfar) | Mollye Miller (@mollyemillerphotograph) | Ali Motamedi (@alimotamedi) | Yam Chew Oh (@yamchewoh) | Sarah Paller | Claudia Paul (@claudiacpaul) | Dioni Rodriguez | Richard Rothman | Leah Russell | Gabrielle Russomagno (@ilsalovesrick) | Claudia Schellenberg | Tiffany Smith (@ms_ladyt) | Robert Stribley | Jason Torres | Lothar Troeller (@lothar_troeller) | Leslie Tucker (@leslie_tucker_nyc) | Albert Abdul-Barr Wang (@albertabdulbarrwang)